Indoor gardening is great. Creating your own micro environment to allow whatever you want to flourish is a good way to learn the basics; limiting factors, living soils, temps, watering schedules, and humidity etc...and if you're unlucky, pest control. While we can't control nature outdoors like we can indoors, we can at least learn that! And with greenhouses and tents being what they are today, the indoor/outdoor threshold becomes a lot less of an impasse if you learn indoor gardening well.
I love potatoes! Today I wanted to get going on some of our baby potatoes so I decide to run a test. On the left the spuds haven't been cut, and left with their one bud just outside the surface. On the right, the two were cut per usual. Going to watch each side for time and yield.
For the soil we used a high NPK base mix. 20% worm castings, 40% compost, 40% peat moss...and some clay pellets. Added to that some rock dust, suffer, and rice husks. On top after planting spudlings we placed some red clover cover crop which will be buried during mulling but will add N and keep soil created and alive during early stages of growth.
Once planted, we placed plastic over the mixed in wetted seeds and spuds, and added light. This box has great aeration as you can see, so the rooting spuds will have plenty of oxygen even with this cover. Getting a nice greenhouse effect going for your starts is a must, especially in winter! One 30 watt florescent light will keep this garden going for at least 2 months, for little cost. Check back here for updates and have fun, indoors and out.